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Thank you for visiting my blog!  
I originally started it to document my comeback and keep me honest. Since then, I decided I could help out others with similar marathon quests by including tips along the way to help others stay motivated, injury free, and consistent with their training. 
Please feel free to email me any questions or feedback you have.  I'm happy to help out!


Running - can't live with it, can't live without it.  Well, I tried to live without it, but after 4 months of letting my running shoes collect dust, I knew I needed a running revival. 


So that's what this is about.  I love running, but after 23 years and about 40,000 miles logged, I figured I needed something new to usher me into this next phase of my running life.


So now I am Trevor Marca - the father, the husband, the coach, the reformed runner, and novice blogger.


Why do I call myself a reformed runner?  I used to take running extremely seriously.  I ran mostly by myself because I wanted to dictate my own pace.  I ran the same routes because I knew exactly how long they were and where each mile mark was (this was pre GPS).  And I was so structured and inflexible about my running that it interfered with my friendships, social life, and overall happiness. 


I ran for the destination, not the journey.  That's where it'll be different this time around.  Now, I'm going to enjoy the trip rather than counting down the days to that circled date on my calendar 4 months down the road.  I'm going to explore new places to run.  I'm going to allow myself to miss a day of training once in awhile without letting it eat me up inside. And most importantly I'm going to seek out friends, new and old, to share in my running experience.  If this person runs a slower pace or prefers different routes - I DON'T CARE!  I'm doing this for the experience, not the pursuit of the almighty PR. 


My goal is to run the Ventura Marathon on September 13 in under 3 hours, but what matters the most is the people I meet, the experiences I have, and the memories I make.


So join me on my journey by following my blog, commenting on posts, emailing me with questions, or informing me of your own personal running mission.


Happy running to all!


#Empowered Running

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