The Best Running Blogs

If you're like me when you're not running you're probably reading about running. My favorite thing about reading running blogs is discovering some new technique that I never heard of before. I also like reading about new running shoes. It's definitely a lot cheaper than buying them! Below is a list of some of my favorite running blogs.
This blog is written by a physiotherapist who loves to run. A lot of the posts focus on the right running technique and reducing the chance of injury.
If you're looking for reviews of running products, this is the best blog to check out. It's updated regularly with reviews of shoes, clothes, and other products.
Dr. Nick is a podiatrist. I especially like his training blogs where he discusses on aspects of training for events like marathons.
This blog highlights the personal journey of Steve Wagner who has been running since 2008. It recounts all of his running experiences over the years.