Day 4: First Early Morning Run

5 miles: 38:03, 7:37 pace (8:27, 7:28, 7:20, 7:24, 7:24)
Today I start my routine of running in the morning (up at 5:30am). I've never been a morning person, so this has always been a challenge. My little dirty secret for making it easier to get up and out the door: I sleep in my running clothes. This way all I need to do is wake up, splash water on my face, put on my shoes, and get out the door.
Predictably, running early in the day - minutes after you wake up - results in stiff muscles, thus my slow first mile. That's always a difficult one to get through, but after a slow warm up and stretching for a few minutes after it, you can see how I loosened up and felt better based on my 1 minute drop in pace the rest of the way.
It's a great feeling knowing I ran and have the rest of the day in front of me.