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Day 5: Was That Rain I Felt?

6 miles - 7:20 pace (7:52, 7:25, 7;15, 7:11, 7:08, 7:07)

Oh my gosh, it rained! I'm quite sure I felt a few drops early in the morning before the sun rose. Halleluja the drought is over! Well, maybe not - but I hear some more rain may be on the way.

Today was another solid step forward in my training. I didn't feel nearly as sore today walking out the door. My first mile, though cold, went rather smoothy, and I didn't feel the need to stop to stretch. I'm happy with my negative splits on each mile, as it occured naturally without me even thinking about it. Though that heaviness continues to linger in my quads and hammys, the non stop pain one feels when he first starts running or starts again is beginning to go away. I always say it takes 2 weeks for a newcomer to start feeling "human" and for a veteran to start feeling "GOOD."

By "human" I mean to get to advance out of that stage of your running when the pain is constant and you're inner dialogue is on repeat saying "I hate this. I hate this. Why am I doing this? Why am I doing this?"

By "GOOD" I'm referring to that state where you're able to clip off a nice pace for several without any real pain or effort. Your legs start to feel like they are on auto pilot, and you're just along for the ride. I feel myself inching toward that point, and I can't wait to get there.

If you're still within that first 2 week window, don't panic, be patient, it will get better; it will get easier. The key for anyone at any level is to avoid overdoing it. Let the mileage and pace gradually come to you. There is plenty of time before the big race.


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