Day 15: Your Body Is Like a Reliable Car

6 miles, 55:31 - 7:07 pace (7:32, 7:07, 7:02, 6:53, 7:05, 7:03)
First off, yesterday was the two week mark, so some quick stats:
39 miles in 6 days (6.5 mile avg.) That's up a bit from 38 miles in 7 days last week (5.6 avg).
Ok, as for the title of this post - it most certainly holds true. Like a reliable car, your body can endure a lot. Every day people in general - much less runners - ask a lot of their bodies and often in return don't give it what it needs to function at its best. Nontheless, the body will keep chugging a long for a long time before it finally breaks down from neglect.
Now, I come on here daily and tell you all the right things to do to run successfully and injury free; unfortunately, I don't always practice what I preach. Lately, I haven't been giving my body the proper rest, food (amount nor type), or even the water it needs. Like a warrior it has continued battling on, but I'd be a fool to think this can continue. If I don't change my ways soon, soon I'll be staring out my window blogging about how many runners I see pass by since I won't be able to do it myself.
Let's sum it up simply: We train 1-2 hours a day, but what's going to determine our success as runners has more to do with how we treat our bodies the remaining 22-23 hours.
Tomorrow is my "long run" with Gabe Ellman. This guy doesn't mess around. I will either prepare my body or be sorry.