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Day 16: "Long Run" with Gabe

Trevor Marca and Gabe Ellman

8 miles, 56:22 - 7:03 pace (7:54, 7:12, 7:10, 7:01, 7:00, 6:37, 6:38, 6:50)

It's still not a legitimate long run, but I'm working my way up. Today Gabe, another former star runner of mine, took it easy on me for about 5 miles, but when we got on the bike path - like always - things started to cook. There's something about the Chandler Bike Path on these Saturday morning "City Loop" runs that always turns on the afterburners. The last mile slowed not due to a lack of effort or any dying out factors, but we had to run over the Magnolia Bridge and up the hill past the mall. We ran tough through these parts; unfortunately, a couple red lights interrupted our flow a bit.

I'm pleased to say I took much better care of myself yesterday, allowing me to get through this run unscathed, but it needs to be a consistent effort, not a one day fix. My flexibility also needs to be something I continue to work on alongside my endurance.


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