Day 22: Let's Talk Nutrition

8 miles, 55:04 - 6:53 pace (will add splits later)
My long run with the studs was postponed until tomorrow, so today I set off alone for what was supposed to be another controlled run. It went as planned for about 3 miles, until - well - I’m not sure what kicked it. The mile times dropped and dropped and dropped, and though I didn't feel I was over exerting myself, I didn’t pull back on the reigns either. I felt great, but we’ll see if this lack of self-control haunts me tomorrow
Now for some nutrition advice: I’ve had a few people ask me recently about what their diet should be like while training for the marathon, and my answer has seemed to surprise them.
Let me preface by saying I’m not a doctor, but I’ve talked to several about this subject, and they each tell me something different. Some say I need to devour the carbs, others say it's most important to get my protein in the forms of fish and chicken. Some say red meat is essential, while others dub it the anti-christ. I’ve even had a doctor tell me to take a minimalist approach with eating and lose 5 pounds (I’m 6’ 1” 145 pounds) to achieve my optimal performance.
Even the experts can’t agree, so here are the 3 rules of nutrition I live by:
1. Eat enough of everything (carbs, proteins, fruits and vegetables)
2. If you know you’re not getting enough of something, supplement it. For example, I take a multi-vitamin because I know I don’t eat enough vegetables.
3. Moderation in everything. You don’t have to abstain from cookies or cake or hamburgers or pizza, just control yourself around them.
If you follow these rules, you can thrive athletically, while not depriving yourself from what you love.