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Day 23: Long Run Gets Out of Hand

San Vicente grass median

10 miles, 1:06.32 - 6:39 pace (8:11, 6:52, 7:06, 6:37, 6:25, 6:39, 6:05, 5;44, 6:17, 6:07)

I drove down to Santa Monica this morning to run with a Nike Running group. I expected to run 10 miles at 6:50 pace with 2 stud runners. Instead, I ran with 3 studs at about 6:40 pace - the hard way!

First off, this run had a long gradual hill up the grass median on San Vicente. That's where we were running low 7s to mid 6s. This took its toll on me, but I knew I had the downhill to recover on the way back...or so I thought. The pace quickened on the way back and suddenly we were running low 6s and better! I think the run would've been even faster, but we hit a red light which kind of quelled the flow and the competitive juices.

I didn't think I was currently capable of running such a fast pace on a course such as this. So the fact that I can is great. But I need to be careful because sometimes early "success" is not a good thing. I need to take things is stride and go back to my usual plan. There is plenty of time to run fast, for now I need to focus on consistency.


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