Day 46: Slow Recovery
Brian Baker is all smiles after running his half marathon
personal best at the Utah Valley Half Maraton last Saturday.
4 miles, 33:48 - 8:27 pace (8:58, 8:34, 8:15, 8:01)
Even after taking a day off, I went to bed last night knowing my back wasn't 100%. Still, I was optimistic that a good night's sleep along with an easy warm up and stretch would be enough to get me through 6 miles in minimal pain. Unfortunately, this wasn't the case.
I started the run really stiff and after a half mile stopped to stretch. This stretch helped loosen my back up a little and made me feel better. Still, I was far from 100%, as you can see from my pace. I made sure not to push it, and gradually felt better and was able to run a little faster. Still, I wasn't pain free and I was unable to comfortably run near my usualy pace, so I decided it would be best to cut the run short at 4 miles.
I'd call this run a disappointment, but not a failure. I was disappointed I couldn't do more, but I feel the run and stretching that I got in will help my recovery more than if I would have done nothing at all. Therefore, I can't classify it as a failure. I guess the following couple days will determine that.