Day 4: First Early Morning Run
5 miles: 38:03, 7:37 pace (8:27, 7:28, 7:20, 7:24, 7:24) Today I start my routine of running in the morning (up at 5:30am). I've never...

Day 3: No Sunday Day Off
6 miles: 43:02, 7:10 pace (7:31, 7:10, 7:09, 7:02, 7:03, 7:08) Since it's only day 3, I can't justify taking Sunday off. Nice, breezy...
Intro Video
Here is a quick video of me explaining my Marathon Comeback efforts. #TrevorMarca #Firstdayofrunning #Comeback #day1 #marathoncomeback...

Day 1: The First Step
First run completed on May 1: 5 miles in 36:45 (7:21 pace) Splits: 7:46, 7:33, 7:12, 7:04, 7:11 The reason I record my split times is...

Trevor Marca the Marathoner in a Nutshell
Here's a brief rundown of my marathon career: Completed 8 marathons First marathon: Los Angeles, March 7, 1993 (the day after my 15th...

Day 2: (Mayweather vs. Pacquiao)
5 miles - 36:33, 7:17 avg. (7:37, 7:16, 7:11, 7:11, 7:17) I didn't get in my run until 9:30pm, just as the Floyd v. Pacquiao fight was...